The High Meows Singing Contest

Purr-fect Pitch: The High Meows 2025 singing contest is here.

Sing a High Meow song and show it to the world!

Enter for a chance to get your voice on a High Meows music video and a 1 on 1 career coaching session.

May the best Meowing singer win!

See rules below.

The High Meows Purr-fect Pitch Singing Contest Official Rules

  1. Eligibility:
  • Open to anyone  who is 18 years or older and can sing in English.
  • Employees of Voffla, their immediate family members, and affiliates are not eligible to participate. Current singers on The High Meows Channels are also not eligible.


  1. How to Enter:
  • Chose a song from @thehighmeows
  • Email us to request lyrics and instrumental. The subject of the email must be “The High Meows Purr-fect Pitch Singing Contest”

Songs to chose from:

The Christmas Doggy Dance: 

The Doggy Dance: 

A New Baby: 

Count to 4: 

My Name is Minette (song only): 

My Name is Minette RAP: 

Happy Purrsday: 

For Your Birthday: 

5 Little Cats: 

5 Little Bats: 

Gentle Little Skylark: 

Washing My Paws: 

We Wish You a Merry Catmas: 

Let’s All Purr on Catmas: (male) or (female)

Big Gray Cat:–q4oRbHo0W 

ABC Song: 

Happy Halloween: 

Jingle Bells: 

Deck The Halls: 


  • You will be asked to sign a release form allowing us to upload your recording to the @voffla YouTube channel. You will also be asked to sign a document prohibiting you to share the files and use the files for anything else than the contest. There is a NO AI rider, your voice is safe with us. We will not use your voice for any other purpose than the contest.
  • Record and send one raw audio file with your singing only, timed to the instrumental. Only record the lead vocals, you don’t have to record harmonies. Do not process your file. Send raw file only. Acceptable formats: mp3 or wav.
  • One entry per singer only, chose one song. If you want to team up with friends for songs like “Washing my paws”, it is acceptable but you will have to share the prize if you win and everyone on the team will need to sign the release and NDA.
  • Finalist will have their recording produced as a High Meows music video and placed on the @voffla YouTube channel which will start the public phase of the contest.
  • Finalists will have one month to share their video entry and get views and likes. They must tag @thehighmeows in all social media.
  • At the end of the qualifying period, view and likes will be counted and winners will be announced.
  • Have fun! The main purpose of this contest is for all of us to enjoy and share your talents!


  1. Contest Period:
  • Contest begins on January 3rd 2025 at 9am PST and the deadline to submit your audio files is February 3rd at 6pm PST.
  • Finalists will be announced on February 15th which will start the public phase of the contest.
  • The contest will end on March 15th 2025 at 6pm PST when the views and likes will be recorded and used to determine the two winners.
  • In the event that the same entry wins both most views and most likes, the second winner will be the one with the longest average view duration.
  • If the same entry is the best at all 3 parameters, the winner will win both coaching sessions and a T-Shirt.


  1. Prizes:
  • Each winner will win a High Meows T-Shirt from the official Amazon collection and a 2 hour, one on one, career coaching session with director and casting director Claire Dodin (in person or over Zoom depending on the location of the winners) to be redeemed by the end of 2025 and subject to availability.

Claire is a working professional in Los Angeles who does not usually coach, so this is a rare and valuable opportunity to get feedback on demos, website, auditions and anything else you’d like in order to get your voice career moving forward.

  • Finalists will be selected by Claire Dodin on their singing ability, suitability of their voice for the show, character work and audio quality. There is no set number of finalists, this will be determined by the number and quality of the submissions.
  • Winners will be selected from the YouTube data. One “most viewed” winner and one “most liked” winner (or if the same person is both “most viewed” and “most liked”, the second winner will be “best view duration”). If the same person is the best at all 3 parameters, there will be one “best voice”.
  • All finalists will get a copy of their video that they will be allowed to use for their personal marketing efforts, including reels and websites, as long as they mention @thehighmeows and “The High Meows Purr-fect Pitch 2025 Singing Contest Finalist”.


  1. Winner Selection and Notification:
  • Winners will be announced on March 16th 2025.
  • Winners will be contacted via email within 3 days of the announcement.


  1. Important Considerations:


  • No Purchase Necessary: Entering this contest does not require a purchase.
  • This is NOT a casting call: No job offer will be made at the end of the contest. Professional singers are always welcome to submit their mp3 voice demos to our email, no participation in the contest is required.
  • YouTube Not Involved: This contest is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by YouTube.
  • Privacy Policy: By entering this contest, you agree to our privacy policy, which can be found at
  • Release of Liability: By entering, you release YouTube and Voffla, inc from any liability related to this contest.


  1. Disqualification:
  • Entries that do not comply with these rules may be disqualified.
  • Any attempt to manipulate the contest process may result in disqualification.


  1. Governing Law:
  • This contest is governed by the laws of California

By participating in this contest, you agree to these official rules.