We all know Covid 19 changed the world, but we also need to acknowledge that it changed the voice over world as well. Casting now wants to know if you have a home studio PRIOR to booking you. Having the voice actor come to the studio is risky, and having him/her record from home lowers that risk to zero.


So who should invest in a home studio?


Exhibit A


Actor A likes the idea of voice over, but it’s not really a source of income. He dubbed a short film once and had a good time. But it’s been 2 years and nothing since. Actor A should think carefully before investing in a booth and microphone that will cost a lot of money. His return on investment is likely to be very bad. It’s the equivalent of him doing yoga once, and investing in a yoga studio. While we encourage people to be working out, he would probably be ok by taking an online yoga class while he is perfecting his craft. He could invest in an inexpensive USB mic to practice, have fun and record auditions. When he turns into Actor B, it will be time to invest in something better.


Exhibit B


Actor B is a professional voice over actor. It’s where most of his/her money comes from. He/she auditions regularly and has booked multiple jobs in the last few years. Actor B should absolutely invest in a home studio. He/she would be missing out on jobs that require home studios, and nowadays, those are becoming the norm.

Remember what I said about risk? You want to be the actor that puts production at ease. You want to have a great microphone and a great booth. Those will make you stand out when the time comes to get booked.

Here’s the thing: We know sound. We can tell if what you used was a USB mic or a high-end XLR mic. And while the USB mic may be sufficient in certain situations, it’s not always the case. If you are going to race, would you choose a Honda or a Ferrari? Same thing applies here. And make sure you record in an acoustically treated environment. We could argue that it is even more important than having a great mic.


The magic words are BROADCAST QUALITY.


That’s what you are aiming for


But those cost money!


We know. And I want to reiterate, only invest in it if it’s where your money comes from. You want a great return on investment.


And I’ll tell you a little secret….


If your budget is tight, you can buy a used microphone. A used Ferrari is still better than a brand new Honda.

If you don’t want to spend $3500-$4000+ for a booth, you can either buy a used booth or convert a sauna. Many voice actors have done the latter, and as long as you acoustically treat the walls well, it sounds amazing and at a fraction of the cost.

Wishing you lots of success!