Great news! You were invited to audition for a project! Now what?

Here are 10 easy steps to help you book:

  1. BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SCRIPT: Make sure you are familiar with the script. You don’t want it to sound “read”. You’ll also want your lines to sound different from one another, especially if you were given a specific direction.
  2. SLATE: If the project requires you to slate, slate in the voice you are going to use for the character. If you’re auditioning for a teenager, and your slate sounds like you are 45, it throws us off, and from then on, it’s hard for us to believe you as a teenager. If no slate is required, don’t send one. (more on this in the next blog)
  3. VOLUME: Don’t send something that is either too low or not loud enough. Find a happy medium.
  4. SOUND QUALITY: Let’s be honest. If your audition sounds like you recorded it at a grocery store or if we can hear a dog barking in the background, we most likely won’t pass it on to the client. Make sure you send a professional audition.
  5. MOUTH SOUNDS/ANY OTHER SOUND THAT SHOULDN’T BE THERE: Clean up the file before sending it.
  6. CHANGING UP THE WORDS: The general rule is : Don’t do it. Read the lines as they are written. This is especially true for important words ( names of characters, name of the game, etc)
  7. NUMBER OF TAKES: If you have 2 vastly different takes, go ahead and send them both. But if your 2 takes sound exactly the same, no need to send both. And don’t shoot yourself in the foot by sending one great take and one mediocre one. Just send the great take so we can judge your best work.
  8. FILE FORMAT: If we ask you for an MP3 file, please send an MP3 file. We just don’t have the time to convert hundreds of auditions.
  9. DEADLINES: If we ask for auditions by Friday at 5 pm and you send us your audition on Saturday at 8 am, you’ve missed the deadline and all the work you put in would be lost. Don’t be that guy 🙂
  10. DO YOUR RESEARCH: If you are given a reference, by all means, use it. You should do your research. We are sending it to help you because we know what the client is looking for.

Hope this helps!

Break legs!